CNRS Tel. : 33 (0) 1 40 79 46 82 |
Previous positions:
2017-2018 Post-doc, Laboratoire de Science et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle, ESPCI-Paris
2016-2017 Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche, Université de Bordeaux.
2014-2016 Post-doctoral fellow, Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, Bordeaux, France.
Education and diploma:
2010-2013 PhD in chemistry, Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France.
2004-2010 Bachelor and Master of science, Lomonossov Moscow State University, Russia.
Research interests and expertise:
Fabrication and mechanical properties of soft polymers, polymer sponges and nanocomposites, acoustic metamaterials, smart magnetic materials, adsorption and stabilization of soft interfaces.
Keywords: Materials chemistry, polymers, polymer composites, magnetism/magnetic properties, foams, emulsions, surface tension, colloids.
Research grants:
2020-2024 ANR grant JCJC MAGELAn ANR-19-CE06-00244 (224 kEuros)
2023-2024 Grant of Carnot Institute IPGG microfluidics C23-30 2023-067 (ANR-10-IDEX-0001-02 PSL)
Teaching experience:
2021-2023 scientific projects in team (PSE), statistical physics, 1st year ESPCI students
2016-2017 thermodynamics, solution equilibria, inorganic materials, Phase transitions, colloids and interfaces, University of Bordeaux.
PhD advisor:
2021-2024 Maxime Bès (ANR MAGELAn), co-advising with Étienne Barthel
2023-2026 Wei Wang (Bourse of ED397), co-advising with Étienne Barthel
Vincent Lefloch (L2), Wei Wang (Eng. 3A), Claire Gossmann (LPro), Astrid Valin (LPro), Catherine Tegou (Eng. 1A), Daniela Pricop (M2, co-advising with Cécile Monteux and Nicolas Sanson), Ainhoa Merry (LPro), Sana Rabah (M1), Djamel Taleb (M1), Jingyuan Li (M2), Aubry Martin (M2), Phu Tuan Anh Nguyen (M2, co-advising with Matthieu Vandamme), Soumaya Boulanoir (LPro), Andréa Aguiar (LPro), Claire Pellerin (LPro, co-advising with Nadège Pantoustier).
Selected publications:
Chen, Y., Kovalenko, A., Brûlet, A., Bresson, B., Lantheaume, A., Olanier, L., Creton, C. "Spiropyran mechano-activation in model silica-filled elastomer nanocomposites reveals how macroscopic stress in uniaxial tension transfers from filler/filler contacts to highly stretched polymer strands". Macromolecules, 2023,
Nguyen, P. T. A.; Vandamme, M.; Kovalenko, A. A. "Collapse and Cavitation during Drying of Water-Saturated PDMS Sponges with Closed Porosity". Soft Matter 2020.
Tallon, B.; Kovalenko, A.; Poncelet, O.; Aristégui, C.; Mondain-Monval, O.; Brunet, T. "Experimental Demonstration of Negative Refraction with 3D Locally Resonant Acoustic Metafluids". Sci. Rep. 2021.
A. Kovalenko, T. Brunet, O. Mondain-Monval. "Mechanical and acoustic properties of macroporous acrylate materials near glass transition". Polymer, 2018.
A. Ba, A. Kovalenko, C. Aristégui, O. Mondain-Monval, T. Brunet. "Soft porous silicone rubbers with ultra-low sound speeds in acoustic metamaterials". Sci. Rep. 2017.
Kovalenko, A.; Zimny, K.; Mascaro, B.; Brunet, T.; Mondain-Monval, O. "Tailoring of the Porous Structure of Soft Emulsion-Templated Polymer Materials". Soft Matter 2016.