ECIS 2021: Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society

Julien Es Sayed won the award for the best oral presentation by a young scientist at the 35th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS) 2021 sponsored by Langmuir. Julien presented his work on the stabilization/breaking emulsion with supramolecular microgels. Julien used the fellowship of the "Prix de la Diffusion de la Recherche Jean Langlois" for travel and conference fees. Congratulations Julien.

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Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle

Soft Matter Sciences and Enginering - UMR 7615

10 rue Vauquelin
75231 PARIS CEDEX 05

  • Chair : E. Barthel
  • Steering Committee : J.B. d’Espinose, A. Chateauminois, Y. Tran, B.Bresson
  • Administration : F. Decuq & Odile Neveu
  • Communication : A. Hakopian & M. Ciccotti
  • Information Technology : A. Hakopian
  • Safety, Health and Environment Assistant : F. Martin & M. Hanafi

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