The annual Days of the Doctoral School 397 “Physics and Chemistry of Materials” took place on the 30th and 31st October on Campus des Cordeliers. This event gathered the 12 labs of the doctoral school and their 250 PhD students. The 3rd year PhD students (60) had the opportunity to present their work during oral and poster sessions.
The SIMM PhD candidates proudly represented the lab: among the 8 best oral presentations selected by the public vote, 5 are from the SIMM lab. Besides, Guillaume VOTTE, Claire SCHUNE and Gaëlle RONDEPIERRE received prizes from the jury for the best poster or oral presentations. The jury also highlighted the overall quality of the presentations of all the lab members.
The 8 finalists of the public vote: Antoine Deswazière (LCMCP, Sorbonne Université), Pierre Trinh (SIMM), Samuel Peillon (INSP, Sorbonne Université), Gaëlle Rondepierre (SIMM), Quentin Nozet (C3M, ESPCI), Louis Debertrand (SIMM), Guillaume Votte (SIMM) and Claire Schune (SIMM).
The SIMM prize winners for the best poster or oral presentations: Guillaume Votte, Claire Schune and Gaëlle Rondepierre.