Interplay between silicate and hydroxide ions during geopolymerization

Geopolymer is a low environmental impact binder obtained from clay or industrial by-products. However, to be a realistic competitor to the ordinary cement used in construction or nuclear waste storage, geopolymer must remain workable during a predictable amount of time before setting and hardening. Unfortunately, to date, the exact chemical mechanism leading to hardening is unknown. In a recent collaborative work with the CEA, we have identified the crucial role of silicates as hydroxide reservoirs to nurture the geopolymerization reaction. The success of this work opens the way to formulate additives to control the kinetics of hardening.
If you want to know more :
Interplay between silicate and hydroxide ions during geopolymerization, Cement and Concrete Research, in press (2018).

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Informations Pratiques

Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle - UMR 7615

10 rue Vauquelin
75231 PARIS CEDEX 05

  • Directeur : E. Barthel
  • Comité de direction : J.B. d’Espinose, A. Chateauminois, Y. Tran, B. Bresson
  • Pôle gestion : F. Decuq, O. Neveu, S. Diakite
  • Communication : A. Hakopian et M. Ciccotti
  • Systèmes d’information : A. Hakopian
  • Assistant prévention : F. Martin et M. Hanafi

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